Diamonds Boca Raton RSS

Diamonds Boca Raton -

The emerald cut is one of the most classic, dramatic and sophisticated cuts out there. With long crisp lines, these stones elongate any finger, creating a sought after look. Today, it is still a coveted diamond cut that withstands the test of time in both its durability and style.

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Diamonds Boca Raton -

The beauty of jewelry is in the details. When buying diamond jewelry, have you ever noticed smaller diamonds added for extra sparkle? These small stones enhance the large center diamond. We’re talking about accent diamonds. While most customers focus on the main diamond – the center stone – accent diamonds often get overlooked.  

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Diamonds Boca Raton -

 Yellow diamonds are sometimes marketed as “canary.” While this isn’t a proper grading term, it’s commonly used in the trade to describe fancy yellow diamonds. Yellow diamonds offer a beautiful shine to any kind of jewelry, and are now even being used in engagement rings and wedding bands more frequently. Yellow diamonds are available at a variety of price points, making them one of the most popular colored diamond selections.

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Diamonds Boca Raton, Lab Grown Diamonds Boca Raton -

If you’ve ever considered wearing lab grown diamonds, you’ve probably had questions, too: Are they actual, real diamonds? Will other people notice my ring has a lab grown diamond? Why are these diamonds less expensive? And what does “lab grown” even mean? Since the decision on which stone you choose has implications on the up-front cost and long-term value, it’s important to understand lab grown diamonds so you can be prepared before you make a purchase.

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Diamonds Boca Raton -

One of the most important decisions you have to make when choosing your diamond ring is the size of the diamond. For most people, the higher the number of carats, the better! But this also comes with a price tag, as diamonds increase in price exponentially with the increase in carat weight. Interestingly, the statistics show that not everyone wants a large diamond, and the average size chosen is often very specific to the location of the consumer.

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